2-D Electrical imaging surveys

These methods are frequently used in geological engineering to study the response of the ground when continuous electric currents (DC) are passed through it. The physical parameter tested is resistivity (ρ), and a final interpretation is made based on the geological characteristics of the test area. Resistivity is an intrinsic property of rocks and soils that depends on lithology, microstructure and, above all, water content; it is therefore not an isotropic property of the ground but a function of the direction in which it is measured. Table 1 shows some resistivity values in soils and rocks.

Materials Resistivity ρ (om/m)
Marls 50–5,000
Limestones 300–10,000
Shales 100–1,000
Granites 300–10,000
Clays 1–20
Sands 50–500
Conglomerates 1,000–10,000
Sandstones 50–5,000
Alluvium 50–800
Table 1 – Resistivity values of common geological materials

2-D Electrical imaging surveys

With 2-D Electrical imaging surveys technique, the entire set-up (A, B, M and N) is moved laterally. A current is applied in each position and the difference in potential generated is measured. This is carried out using any of the electrodic arrays already referred to: Schlumberger, Wenner, dipole-dipole, or one of the many variants. The resistivity obtained in each case is apparent resistivity ρa, and variations observed are lateral because of the type of displacement (Figure 1).

Example of a resistivity pseudo-section.
Figure 1 – Example of a resistivity pseudo-section.


When sounding at different depths and levels are made simultaneously with any electrode device (Figure 2) the distribution of ρa can be represented on a cross section called a pseudo-section.

Figure 2 – 2D resistivity measurements (pseudo-sections) with different electrode arrays.

Electrical tomography

This is a model of the distribution of real resistivities in the subsoil obtained by an inversion process from the apparent resistivities detected in the pseudo-sections. The complexity of the inversion process depends on the methods used: e.g. finite differences, finite elements, the application of distorted grids to correct topography, or others.

2-D Electrical imaging surveys
Figure 3 – Resistivity model resulting from the inversion of apparent resistivities obtained with a Schlumberger device; electrodes spaced at a distance of 1 m and 7 investigation levels.
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