What is the Coldest Temperature Ever Recorded?

What is the Coldest Temperature Ever Recorded?

There are parts of the world that can end up getting pretty cold at various times of the year, but are you aware of just how cold the earth has been able to get at different points?

You may not be surprised to discover that the coldest temperature that has ever been recorded happened in Antarctica, as it is hardly known as being a tropical paradise. However, the temperature itself would drive you absolutely insane if you had been unfortunate enough to encounter it, even from the warmth of a research hut.

The location in Antarctica was at the Vostock Station, and it occurred in 1983. The temperature was recorded as being -123 Celsius, which is seriously cold.

Vostok Station
Elevated photo of Vostok Station, WIKIPEDIA

There is no guarantee that it has been the lowest temperature to have ever happened on the earth, but it is certainly the coldest that science has been fortunate enough to record.