I have always been fascinated by rocks and minerals. As a kid, I would spend hours looking for pretty stones in river beds and fields. I would also spend hours looking through my dad’s rock collection (he was an amateur geologist). So, when I went to college, I knew that I wanted to study geology.


I am now a professional geologist and I absolutely love it. I love being outdoors, hiking in beautiful places and looking for rocks. I also love the laboratory work and analyzing data. But, most of all, I love the challenge of trying to figure out the history of the Earth.

I am often asked what I do as a geologist. people are usually fascinated when I tell them that I use rocks to try to figure out what the Earth was like in the past. I use my knowledge of chemistry, physics, and biology to help me interpret the data that I collect.

I think that people are interested in my work because it is so different from the typical nine-to-five job. I also think that people are interested because my work can be very exciting. For example, I have been on expeditions to remote parts of the world, such as the Himalayas and Antarctica. I have also been fortunate enough to work on some high-profile projects, such as the search for oil in the Gulf of Mexico.

Noncohesive Soils

In conclusion, I love being a geologist because it is a challenging and exciting profession. It is also a profession that allows me to combine my two passions: rocks and minerals and the history of the Earth.